miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013




Los panameños a partir de sus ancestros han eslabonado cinco culturas indígenas que tomaron forma desde antes de la etapa marcada por Cristóbal Colón.

A partir del siglo XVI, con el arribo de los españoles comenzaron a operarse transformaciones acrecentadas por la posterior presencia de descendientes africanos y en menor escala en cuanto al legado están los chinos, franceses y norteamericanos quienes también enriquecieron la herencia del país con su música y arte.


Panama has a very diverse cultural life. Thanks to the efforts of many anthropologists and folklorists have collected and published numerous poems and stories of the Kuna Indians, Panama has one of the best documented indigenous literatures of the continent.

  The artistic tradition of colonial religious themes focused on imitating the European tradition, but from the independence of Colombia in 1903, Panamanian art has developed a national expression details.


                                                    THE MUSIC OF PANAMAWhen Panama was an independent country in 1903 , there were two distinct popular musical movements : tropical music and country music .The Panamanian tropical music developed in the transit area which houses the Panama Canal , occupied by the cities of Panama and Colon. It is characterized by musical expressions derived from the many Afro-Caribbean influences .Country music , known locally as " folk music " , is located mainly in the central provinces of Panama ( Cocle , Herrera , Los Santos and Veraguas) . It is mainly divided into four expressions of folklore : the cumbia, the tenth , marjoram and tamborito .Folk music of Panama is the result of interbreeding that occurred between Spanish traditions , Indian and African . Used as instruments snare drum , drum bidder , the box, the churuca , the triangle is , accordion, female voice , chantey male voice .There are other equally important folkloristic but focalizas in specific regions such as the Congo ( in the province of Colon ) and bullerengues ( in the province of Darien ) .The most popular dances are: the point, the atravesao and bullerengue . There are other dances as: the diablicos , the grandiablos , the Congos , the Cucuas , the bull , the columbine , dance Cuenecué or black muzzles and Indian dances . besides being one of the most famous in Panama .

Panamanian folklore

Traditions and BeliefsOur folklore is formed by the traditions and beliefs of our people.In our country, the folklore expresses the spirit of a whole nation , through our dresses : the skirt and the montuno , in celebrations, tamboritos , smearing on the board of the cart pulled by oxen , the people, the dirty diablicos , the Carnival and other events.This folklore is rich and varied . It occurs mainly in the central provinces : Cocle, Herrera , Los Santos and Veraguas.As expressions of folklore , include: traditional music , costumes , customs , instruments , objects , foods and legends .

Among the typical dresses we have:The dress skirt , the montuna , and working costumes .

The skirt also carries jewels:Chains , cords, hair combs, hair comb straws or pain patch , earrings ( earrings, stud earrings , musk ) , tapahuesos , beaded rosettes , toast and suckling pig , purse , bracelets , rings, buckles , shakes or flowers made ​​of gold skirts .

Customs and Traditions in Panama

The Panamanians have different ways of expressing their beliefs, traditions and cultural preferences.

In the crucible of social interaction have merged many manifestations, conditioned and enhanced by ethnic groups that generate them.

Through a preliminary review, and even adventurous, could be threefold:
The Creole, which stands as the most known and practiced by the mestizo population;
The Indian, having plural number of variants, the tribe always certain that the practice, and
The black, in the hands of African Americans that make Columbus founding populations in the Caribbean, and Darien, on the Pacific coast.




In the Panamanian community consumed certain foods that are very characteristic of our country as is the case of: stew and tamales, fritters, sighs, blancmange and others.
Typical dishes are massacres roast, rolls, tortillas baked in casserole, changa, new corn fritters (torrejitas), boiled and fried yucca or beef soup.

martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013



The craftsmanship is innate manifestation of our nationality. Each province has its representation our Republic craft:
- Los Santos: Saddlery: furniture, stools, and other saddles. Embroidered clothing, making skirts, hammocks, fireworks, shakes and musical instruments.
- Panama: Furniture, baskets, floral ornaments, pottery, shoes, wood carving, silverware, jewelry.
- Veraguas: Gold, leather, embroidery, ceramics, fiber fabrics and crafts Guaymíes.
- San Blas: Preparation of molas.
- Columbus: wood carving, weaving or tarrayas networks.
The making of hats, pottery, wood carvings, leather goods, baskets, fiber vegetable and national costume Pollera traditionally hand made ​​primarily in the province of Los Santos, which with their gold jewelry and ornaments form splendid set that highlights the beauty of Panamanian women.