miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013


                                                    THE MUSIC OF PANAMAWhen Panama was an independent country in 1903 , there were two distinct popular musical movements : tropical music and country music .The Panamanian tropical music developed in the transit area which houses the Panama Canal , occupied by the cities of Panama and Colon. It is characterized by musical expressions derived from the many Afro-Caribbean influences .Country music , known locally as " folk music " , is located mainly in the central provinces of Panama ( Cocle , Herrera , Los Santos and Veraguas) . It is mainly divided into four expressions of folklore : the cumbia, the tenth , marjoram and tamborito .Folk music of Panama is the result of interbreeding that occurred between Spanish traditions , Indian and African . Used as instruments snare drum , drum bidder , the box, the churuca , the triangle is , accordion, female voice , chantey male voice .There are other equally important folkloristic but focalizas in specific regions such as the Congo ( in the province of Colon ) and bullerengues ( in the province of Darien ) .The most popular dances are: the point, the atravesao and bullerengue . There are other dances as: the diablicos , the grandiablos , the Congos , the Cucuas , the bull , the columbine , dance Cuenecué or black muzzles and Indian dances . besides being one of the most famous in Panama .

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